
Below are a number of common questions our customers have.

Why Rent?

Rentals can provide your company with what it needs to grow, and flourish. Often opportunity knocks at times when you are least able to service that opportunity. Rentals are a good way of allowing your company to be nimble enough to take part in opportunity without putting your company at risk over the longer term by buying assets that may not be utilized 12 months of the year or perhaps until the next such job. The many benefits of renting from STARS LINE EST include:

Current model equipment in your fleet

Adjust your fleet

to market needs

Machines that you may not want to invest in, available when you need them

Get the right size of equipment for the right job

No asset to earn against

Fixed known costs for the length of the job, meaning easier tender submission

Scale your company to the job, rather than the other way around

Start the job with more equipment, finish it with less

Reasonable cost relative to ownership

Tax advantages of renting versus owning

How long can my company rent your equipment for ?

Rentals can be as short as a week or as long as years, it is up to you. Our representatives will work with you at providing you with a solution that best fits your needs.

What are your prices ?

Each rental cost will be comprised of two parts, the standard rental fee, and the service per month cost (based on the distance from our nearmost operational facility).

What are your Maintenance requirements?

STARS LINE EST has a commitment to the best running equipment. We have arrangements with our professional equipment suppliers maintenance departments to service the equipment when it properly should be, not when it gets returned.

Therefore, we monitor and track the hours while equipment is at your site - and it will be serviced on site at proper intervals. This ensures the equipment you have is well looked after and maintained for reliability. And gives you the advantage of knowing your equipment is running properly. Preventing mechanical problems before they occur.

While STARS LINE EST provides on site service at regular intervals, daily service such as greasing and inspection is your responsibility.

How can I transport the equipment ?

Pickup your equipment at our location, or let us know if you need a delivery and we can arrange a cost effective transport for you.

How do I get started ?

To get started, contact us at +966-549171173

We'll send you the necessary documentation necessary to rent the equipment you need.